
2016年11月10日—Solved:Iamworkinginan.aifilethatIhavesavedfrequentlybefore.SuddenlywhenItrytosavethefile,Igetanerrorthatreadsan ...,2023年7月26日—ThisissueoccurswhenyoutrytosaveafileinIllustratorin.aiformat.Startusingtheworkaroundsintheordermentionedbelowtofix ...,2020年6月26日—Sinceupdatingto24.2onourMacspeopleareintermittentlygettingAnunknownerroroccurredwhentryingtosaveanAIfile.,Learntwowork...

Illustrator error "An unknown error has occurred"

2016年11月10日 — Solved: I am working in an .ai file that I have saved frequently before. Suddenly when I try to save the file, I get an error that reads an ...

Fix unknown error issue in Illustrator with workarounds

2023年7月26日 — This issue occurs when you try to save a file in Illustrator in .ai format. Start using the workarounds in the order mentioned below to fix ...

An unknown error occurred when saving AI file

2020年6月26日 — Since updating to 24.2 on our Macs people are intermittently getting An unknown error occurred when trying to save an AI file.

Illustrator Cannot Save "An Unknown Error Has Occurred"

Learn two workarounds to the an unknown error has occurred warning when saving your fashion artwork in Adobe Illustrator.


2023年10月4日 — Adobe Illustrator can give you the An unknown error has occured message, so we will show you how to fix it fast.

Can't save AI file. An unknown error has occured.

2021年7月11日 — Been working on a AI file and now I can't seem to save my file. It's a pretty large file with multiple layers. I have search the internet ...

How To Fix Adobe Illustrator Error -108

errors associated with An unknown error has occurred (-108) include a missing or corrupt file, or in some cases, a past or present Adobe Illustrator-related ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
